D and I went to the Widespread Panic with
Allman Brothers concert Wed. night. We went with his brother Stephen and sister in law Lo. Just hanging with them is
always a fabulous time, so I was very excited.
It was a nice night, though chilly. The bands were a bit too heavy on the jam sessions for my taste, I like some lyrics to wrap my mind around. But I had a nice beer buzz and good company and so I was enjoying the evening.
The wonderful thing about concerts is even if the music is not as great as you hoped there are always tons of people to watch. Trust me, a hippie jam band provides more people to watch than you can shake a stick at (whatever that means). (Oh and Cheryl I saw your boyfriend a million times over and I so wished you were there to see him.)
So I am standing on the lawn, large beer in my right hand, slowly moving to the music. My eyes scanning the crowd and enjoying the show. Right in front of us are a little group of hippies. In particular two hippies that were jamming out. I'll call them Hippie one and Hippie two. Hippie one was a cute petite girl with long blond dreads wearing a baby doll
paisley shirt over baggy jeans. Hippie two is a tall lanky boy with an
Afro of blond curls sticking out from his hippie beanie, wearing a tie die t-shirt.
They were swaying to the beat, arms flailing, bending at the waist and back up again. (Think Elaine from
Seinfield on
Ecstasy). I am enjoying watching them and thinking they must have strong abs. Then Hippie two comes over to us, a cup in his right hand, he steps close enough that I can smell the fruitiness of his drink.
"Hey man, take a sip of this man, it's great," slurs Hippie two.
"No thanks," I reply
"No really. It's awesome. You have to try it. It's..uh let me find out what it is."
Then Hippie two walks over to consult Hippie one. Hippie one
whispers in Hippie two's ear for quite a while. Hippie two tilts his head back and laughs. Then he walks back to me.
Ok," Hippie two giggles
Ok man, it's crazy but just trust me. It's
Redbull and vodka and rum and Coke. It sounds bad but really it's awesome. Try some."
"No thanks really, I am drinking beer," I say
"Come on just take a sip, just take a sip man."
"No thanks."
"Come on. There's no acid in it I swear man," Hippie two laughs.
"No thanks," I say laughing.
Hippie two then proceeds to try and get everyone in my group to take a sip.
"There is no acid in here I swear. I swear."
No one is budging of course and Hippie two finally gives up and walks back to Hippie one. They take turns drinking from the cup and laughing. While our little group keeps mocking...
"There's no acid in it. I swear man."