Monday, March 16, 2009

Thank you Kate Winslet

I saw the movie The Reader the other night with a girlfriend. Since I don't watch TV much, I had no clue what the movie was about. NOT a light little chick flick. No giggles or tears of joy even.

One positive thing did come from the movie. Kate Winslet exposes her breasts, many times. If Kate Winslet does not have perfect perky breasts. Then I can hardly be expected to. So I say.. Thank you Kate Winslet. You did a superb acting job, and it's so nice to see a natural woman in the lime light.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


"I have nothin but love for you, baby!", I wonder if he really truly means that.

The black man walking down the street. The extremely happy and satisfied looking black man in movies that says "I have nothin but love for you, baby," to other people, any people, all people.

If that is really true, then that man is much wiser than he appears. Because the type of love he is talking about is the type of love that makes you extremely happy and satisfied.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Time for new tires...

So, apparently I need new tires. D has told me this at least a dozen times. In fact for the past year D has been searching high and low for tires that will fit my car. These would be free tires of course, one of the perks of his job.

I would have to own one of the two cars in the world with freaky sized low profile tires. (Can't anyone in a new Tiburon just crash already? Well don't get hurt, but you know, help a girl out.) They may be nice to look at, but boy are the expensive to replace.

And so as I am driving down the high way hearing a high pitched buzzing sound and feeling my car vibrate... I decided to cure this the way I do most things, by turning the radio up really loud. Problem solved.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Well known stranger

The other day a friend asked "Is it hard to have a boyfriend after you have been married?"

I found it hard to respond as I thought of the time and the road from the end of marriage to here. The range of emotions I felt from that moment to this.... hurt, pensive, angry, scared, wavering, bargaining, realizing, angry, determined, ruthless, guilty, disbelieving, relieved, mourning, confused, hopeful, sad, empty, regretful, disappointed, bitter, infuriated, glad, indignant, guarded, careless, elated, wary, rash, doubting, relaxed, scoffing, unsure, hesitant, courageous, strong, ambivalent, excited, joyful, resolute, hopetical, capricious, certain, trusting, happy, bold, content, versed, open, indecisive, delighted, appreciative, free.... some of these lasted months, others fleeting.

Most days I don't even think of him. When I do, it is hard to believe that someone I once knew so intimately is now a stranger.

So at any rate the answer is ... not anymore.