Tuesday, December 9, 2008

When Monday is Sunday....

Well folks lets just say that if every Monday is like this Monday I will soon need bigger pants!

My new schedule at work has me working every Tues through Sat. So Monday is my new Sunday. Yippee! Only everyone is working so that leaves me to entertain me! So today I decided that entertainment was best found in the kitchen. In the kitchen shoving food in my face to be more exact.

OK well maybe that is not completely true. Marco was off and his parents were in town. They cooked us breakfast; bacon, eggs and biscuits. Normally, I don't eat bacon because every time I eat bacon my stomach decides to do summer salts the rest of the day. Well I didn't want to be rude (no, it had nothing to do with the fact that the bacon smelled good) so I ate the bacon, and as it always does my stomach decided to do cartwheels and back hand springs and other acrobatics.

Being the educated nurse that I am, I decided my best recourse would be to pour lots of hot coffee on top of the bacon. Maybe it will melt the bacon and make my belly feel better. So after 3 cups of coffee I am bouncing off the walls and my stomach is still not happy.(at this point Marco's parents leave and Marco goes to take a shower) I know, I'll confuse the stomach, how about little spice bombs? Handful of wasabi peas... down you go! Well now it's just a war zone in there. What I need is something to absorb all the craziness. Mmmm pineapple upside down cake; that's absorbent right? The upside down cake was pretty damn tasty so I couldn't just eat one bite...oh no!!! I had a huge piece, then I felt all jittery. Too much sugar too much sugar! How about some fiber or protein? I got it! A peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread. At this point my stomach did start to feel a little better, but my throat, my throat was dry. Too much peanut butter.... need liquids! Milk, that's it milk! But you know what goes good with milk? Frosted Flakes! After the frosted flakes I decided; what better time to polish off that box of Brown Sugar Frosted Mini Wheats? Three bowls of cereal later Marco gets out of the shower and sees my misery ridden face. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I recount what I had just eaten. "Holy shit are you crazy!? "You left me alone in here!! What else was I supposed to do?" He just shook his head and walked in his room.
Ugh.. Monday/Sunday...... I now declare you Workout All Day Day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is amazing Andrea. So honest and well-writen. Thank you, I love you.
