Friday, July 24, 2009

Sick is good..

So at any rate, this week I found that being sick once in a while is a good thing. Though, you could not have convinced me of that Monday, while I was the color of the porcelain I was peering into, praying to any God that would listen to "Please make it stop!" Then the next day as I could not fathom why anyone on earth would eat anything, ever. But two days later when I was finally able to smell food and then actually eat food, it was such a wonderful feeling and I did indeed jump for joy... "I feel better!" clap clap kick. (ask D it's true) Plus as a bonus I lost 3lbs. Maybe that little virus knew I have a beach vacation coming up and what girl doesn't want to lose some weight before braving the beach clad in bikini? Thank you icky virus you made me appreciate my normally functioning stomach.

1 comment:

ParkPlacePioneer said...

Sick is not good when you have to take care of th patient! :)