Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Early morning workout..

So as hard as it is to force myself out of my nice warm cozy bed at 5:20 a.m., the arguments I have myself. You can workout after work. You went to bed an hour late last night you should really get more sleep. Is that a headache coming on? Surely sleep would be better than working out. Finally this worked You like your jeans to fit right? And you know you will be too tired to workout after work.

Ugh! Damn me!

As hard as that was to do today (since I have not worked out in the morning in weeks now). Being able to say at 7:00 a.m. I already worked out today! I already worked out today! It was completely worth that horrible cold push to the gym.

And yes I am feeling all smug when I ask- What you did this morning?

(But don't worry, next I am thinking Alright, I only have to do that every other day for the rest of my life!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay honey! You know there's no way I could do that. Your boy doesn't do mornings :)