Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I am doing what I am supposed to be doing
I am doing what I am supposed
to be.

It's a little song that I made up in my head one day when I realized I am always thinking and often worrying about what I am going to do next or, what I should be doing now instead. So, I sing that little song to remind me to focus on now, enjoy now. Instead of worrying about the next moment and having a life time of worried rushed moments. Besides, who the hell knows what I am supposed to being doing?

I have to sing that song a lot it seems. Hmm, maybe I need a new song. But it has a really cool little piccolo solo that goes all whhhoooo whoo whooooooooowhowhowho wo woo ( it sounds less like a train in my head). I mainly choose piccolo because it sounds bohemian, and those bohemian people seem content. Also, piccolo is a fun word to say, try it.

1 comment:

ParkPlacePioneer said...

So when do I get to hear the piccolo solo? Have another hidden talent you haven't told me about yet? :)