Tuesday, August 11, 2009

That's why..

D and I just came back from our family vacation in Hatteras. Well when I say, our family, I mean his family, but I absolutely love his family. The crew included D's Dad and wonderful girlfriend Lynn, her daughter, D's older brother and sister, all the spouses, a gaggle of cute kids and two puppies. The house was bustling and we all kept joking that this is what it would be like to live in a commune. We absolutely had a blast and can't wait to do it again.

During one of many lazy days on the beach D's sister and I went for a stroll. As big sisters often do she inquired about her baby brother's relationship, it went something like this.

"So how are you and my brother doing?"



"Yeah, you're brother is a great guy."

"Tell me more."

I think I throw out some adjectives like "Caring, loving, funny." Which of course are all true, but I think this little tale paints a better picture.

It's the next to last day on vacation and D and I have yet to take the kayaks out for a ride. We decide the surf on the ocean side is way too rough to make it out without taking on water and flipping. We instead drive around the island to the sound side. We find a boat ramp and unload the kayaks. We apply gobs of sunblock on each other, fasten our life jackets and off we go.

"Let's go around the point and kayak down to where everyone is relaxing on the beach," I say.

"Alright let's give it a go." D replies.

First of all let me give you all a little back ground on me and my ability to swim. Lets just say it's slightly above nil, but lower than adequate. If forced I could doggie paddle for quite a while, but not without panic setting in, making my palms sweat (if that's possible in the water) and my heart feeling like it's going to explode. But like my other fears (heights, rats biting my toes, and spiders) I am making an effort to over come them (well at least the heights part, rats and spiders please keep your distance and I'll try not to shriek and swing brooms at you.)

OK so where was I? Oh Yes.

Me = sucks at swimming (and as you'll see, judging the depth of water).

D= former lifeguard/possibly part fish.

So here we are paddling out across the sound towards the point. All is well, we are paddling against the wind but we are going at a steady rate and having a good time. We get to the channel where the ferries are crossing.

"Honey, just hold back a minute and let those ferries pass and then we'll go across." D says.

"Okay, hand me a beer." (I know, brilliant right? But it's vacation.)

Beer cracked, and half gulped.

"Alright love, see that channel marker over there?"

"The really tiny green sign?"

"Yes. Aim your bow at that marker."

"Okay. Like shooting a gun right?"

"Yes, now let's hurry before another ferry comes."

This is the point where my imagination fires into overdrive. I see headlines in papers.

Girl kayaking while on vacation crushed by Ferry. Witnesses say,"The Captain kept blowing the horn she just wouldn't move!"

My brain now in freak out mode, I lean forward (I'm convinced this gives me more power) and paddle like the Dickens. I imagine smoke coming off the water. I try to glance back at D (but honestly I don't like to turn around for fear of flipping the kayak) don't see him, decided to keep paddling as if my life depends on it. Finally after what seems like years I hear.

"Honey, you can slow down now."

"Are you sure?" paddle paddle paddle for extra measure.

"Honey, I'm sure."

"Whoa!! Did you see me? I was like a speed demon!"

"You were great love." chuckle chuckle.

"I know. That was awesome."

Now at this point we have not even paddled a mile, but my arms are a little fatigued. I look over at D and he is paddling effortlessly. The stubborn part of me says, I got this. I work out all the time! Oh and I have beer. Sip Sip.

(due to poor time management you will have to come back tomorrow for the exciting conclusion)

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