Thursday, September 4, 2008


I never eat Fruit Loops, until I am forced to eat Fruit Loops, then I can't stop eating Fruit Loops. No, I was not held at gunpoint or abandoned in a Fruit Loop factory. The other day I threw a birthday party for my friend. At the end of the night/morning we were meant to go to the beach and watch the sunrise and eat breakfast. So I bought lots of cereal. Well the beach part never happened and now I have boxes and boxes of sugar cereal that I normally never eat.... for good reason. Apparently, I can't stop myself once I start. It should be called Fruit Crack! I started with a bowl, but then I had milk left over, I couldn't let that go to waste, so I poured another bowl. Once that was gone I just ate straight from the box like some kind of wild Fruit Loop fiend. I didn't stop until my belly was distended (it did have a cool rainbow glow) and I was rolling around in my bed moaning "Damn you Toucan Sam and your damn addictive fruit goodness! I hope you follow your nose straight to Hell!!!" (ok i don't really want Toucan Sam to go to hell, but I do damn him!) Ugh!.... So does anyone want cereal?

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