Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gettin squirrely

As I was proofreading that blog, a squirrel flew into my window and scared the crap out of me (I am on the second floor) he then proceeded to peer into the window as if looking for his nuts. "I don't have your nuts Mr. Squirrel!" He is still looking in the window right now as I am writing this. It's a little strange. That's a big leap for a little guy. Anyway, that reminded me of a dream I had the other night. Where I was helping a porcupine get ready for court. I was telling him to wear a suit not his jeans. Now I'm really behind... but I'm trying to work on this procrastination problem! He is still squirreling around my window. "I don't have your damn nuts!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My girlfriend? Yeah well she's a bit "touched" in the head...:)

love you honey!