Thursday, November 12, 2009

Not on schedule..

Totally off schedule, but I am going to try my best to keep going. Not do the whole I ate a piece of candy now I should scrap the diet and eat a pizza, tacos, cheese, bread, and chocolate ice cream thing. I'm going to keep going and see how I do.

There is a nor'easter hitting us right now and D and I are going to bundle on the couch, sip coffee (well I will sip coffee D will probably have a Coke or juice) and watch movies. We already drove through flooded sheets watching as cars were floating and people were out taking pictures up to their thighs in water. I love this type of weather strangely enough and always secretly wish that it will last longer and cause more damage (not harming anyone of course) than they predicted. It is somehow exciting. Is that wrong?

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